Artistry Jaran Kencak Paju Gandrung

Between Commercial Demand and Philosophy
source :
news manager vis fm radio

Javanese musical ancient Jawa of beated from Gamelan at one particular hot day. Two heads the black horse, complete with chromatic costume strike sudden step into stage area. Following command of the coach, type sandel horse in action, in the middle of crowd large group audience is the bag place drug since morning. that two Horse is noding of beside its footstep follow hornet gamelan. Besides dancing, that two horse also show his action, sit and stand up with two foot

After first Javanese musical and the second have been brought, all sinden singer start to sing Javanese musical Dance Gandrung. A few moment later, a girl have costume of Gandrung Banyuwangi step into stage area. The Gandrung dance with joy, once in a while wag shawl squeeze it up at horse. Like within reason the human being, two heads that horse is seen compact dance with Gandrung follow hornet gamelan till finish.


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