Tradition ceremony of SeblangTradition ceremony of Seblang is one of tradition ceremony socialize Osing which can only be met in two countryside in environment of subdistrict Glagah, Banyuwangi, namely countryside of Bakungan and Olesari. This Ritual is conducted for a clean need of countryside and refuse army, in order to the countryside remain to on the safe side and peaceful. This tradition ceremony is same as tradition ceremony Sintren in region Cirebon, Jaran Kepang, and Sanghyang in Bali Island
Management dance Seblang in two the countryside also differ its time, in countryside of Olesari carried out by one week after Idul Fitri feast day of ramadan, while in countryside of adjacent Bakungan, carried out one week after Idul AdhaAll dancer selected by supranatural by local soothsayer, and generally the dancer have to be selected from clan dancer of previous seblang. In countryside Olesari, the dancer is girl which shall not yet adult, while in Bakungan, the dancer is woman of age shall 50 year to for which have menopause.
Dance Seblang in fact represent very old tradition, difficult till traced a genesis strarting of. But, history note indicate that Seblang first knew by Semi, what also become exponent dance first Gandrung woman ( dying year 1973). After getting over the illness, hence promise by her mother ( Mak Midah or Mak Milah) even also have to be fulfilled, Semi finally made seblang in age younger till after stepping on adolescent start to become dancer Gandrung
Dance Seblang is started with ceremony opened by the expert in conquering animals or countryside soothsayer. The dancer closed her eyes by all mother residing in her behind, at the same time hold tempeh (big saucer from bamboo). The soothsayer fumigate the the dancer with smoke incense at the same time read incantation. After the dancer kesurupan (not awake x'self or despicable in local term), with sign fall her mentioned tempeh, hence the show even also started. The mentioned despicable seblang dance with movement monoton, she close her eyes and follow direction of the expert in conquering soothsayer and also played rhythm music. Sometime also circle countryside at the same time dance. After some llama dance, then the seblang throw shawl furled up at audience, audience incured the shawl have to will dance with the Seblang. Otherwise, hence he/she of pursued by Seblang until will dance.
Attendant music of Seblang is only consisted of kendang, kempul or gong and two saron. While in Olesari countryside added with violin as adder of musical effect. From facet dress, dancer of Seblang in Olesari countryside and Bakungan countryside have a bit of difference, specially at shares of omprok or crown. Dancer of Seblang in Olesari countryside, omprok generally is made from the frond of banana which made a small length minimize till close over some of dancer face, while tabletop given the fresh flower which generally taken away from garden or area about funeral, and added with a small glass put in middle shares of omprok
Dancer of regional seblang of Bakungan countryside, omprok weared very look like omprok weared in the theatre of Gandrung, just only the substance weared is made from frond of banana and decorated by the fresh flower even do not as much dancer of seblang in Olesari countryside. From other side unsure mystique, this ritual Seblang also give entertainment amusement to all and also visitor local citizen, where a lot of humorous scene presented by the dancer of seblang.
Gandrung from BanyuwangiGandrung Banyuwangi come from word " gandrung", meaning ' nuts about' or ' love all hollow' in Javanese. This artistry still one genre with like ketuk tilu in West Java, tayub in Central Java and East Java part of west, lengger in region Banyumas and joged bumbung in Bali, entangledly a professional dancer woman dancing together the guest ( especially man) with music accompaniment ( gamelan).
Form artistry predominated dance with this typical orchestration is popular in region Banyuwangi which is located in back part of Java east, and have come to individuality from the region, till do not be wrong if Banyuwangi always typicaly by gandrung. In reality, Banyuwangi is often nicknamed Gandrung town dancer gandrung idol and can be met in various regional corner of Banyuwangi.
Gandrung often show at various event, like marriage, pethik laut (one of tradition in banyuwangi), circumcision, seven floging and the formal event and also the opening do not be other either in Banyuwangi and also other region. According to habit, show wholy started since about beating 09.00 pm and till end before at dawn ( about beating 04.00 am).
History of Gandrung
According to history note, gandrung first time danced by all boy adorned like woman and, according to report Scholte ( 1927), especial instrument accompanying this dance gandrung lanang is kendang. At that moment, violin have been used. But that way, gandrung of this men by degrees vanish from Banyuwangi of about year 1890, what is anticipated because teaching of Islam prohibit all the form of transvestisme or dress up like woman. But, dance gandrung of new men really evanescent in the year 1914, after death of last dancer, namely Marsan
Gandrung of Woman of first recognized in history is gandrung Semi, a moppet which at that time the age still ten years in the year 1895. According to trusted story, at that time semi to suffer from which hard enough. All way of have been conducted till to soothsayer, but semi do not also the visit heal. So that the Semi's mother ( Mak Midhah) make pledge like “ Kadhung Sira waras, sun dhadekaken Seblang, kadhung sing yo sing” ( If you heal, I make you Seblang, except that yes do not become). Really, finally Semi to heal and made seblang at one blow start new chapter with danced gandrung by woman
Tradition of Gandrung Semi then followed by younger daughter of his woman by using next name Gandrung as name of his stage. This artistry then go up to expand in entire region of Banyuwangi and become local typical icon. In the begining gandrung only may be danced by all clan dancer of previous gandrung, but since year 1970-an strarting a lot of young girl which is non clan of gandrung learning this dance and make it as source of living beside maintain eksistensinya which more and more gone to the wall since final of 20th century.
old world, dancer of gandrung generally bring the two fan for the show. But nowadays dancer of gandrung just getting one fan and just to the parts of certain in the theatre, specially in shares of seblang at dawn.
Music of Attendant for gandrung Banyuwangi consisted of kempul or gong, kluncing ( triangle), violin, two kendhang, and a couple of kethuk. Despitefully, incomplete show otherwise accompanied by panjak or seldom referred as hilarious maker ( giver of spirit) commisioned cheer on and give effect barrel of fun in every show gandrung. role of Panjak can be taken by player kluncing.
At Opening of staging or so-called Jejer, dancer of singing some song and dance in solo, without guest. All guest which generally the men only witness. After jejer finish, hence the the dancer start to give shawl to be passed to a guest. Important guest which beforehand get opportunity dance together. Generally all guest consisted of four people, forming square with dancer reside in midst. The gandrung will visit upon all guest dancing with one by one with movement luring, and that's esensi from dance gandrung, nuts about namely or the atmosphere Iust.
After finishing, the dancer will visit upon audience entourage, and ask one of audience to chosen song to be brought. This event is after interlude between going forward and repèn ( hymn which is not danced), and nightlong till before at dawn. Seldom this show face chaos, what is because of all audience awaiting innings or get drunk, so that the unavoidable fight again.
Part of conclusion is seblang at dawn, this represent conclusion from entire network of show of gandrung Banyuwangi. After finishing to do to go forward and rest a moment, started by shares of seblang at dawn. Started with movement of slow dancer and full carrying out of, sometime at the same time bring fan waggled by according to rhythm or without bringing fan at all at the same time singing song of have sorrowful theme to like for example seblang lokento. Mistical atmosphere felt at the time of shares seblang of this at dawn, because still incircuit sliver by ritual seblang, a ritual of healing or hallowing and still be done ( difficult even met) by dancer of old age woman. a period of this time, part of seblang of eliminated frequent at dawn though in fact part of this become conclusion one show of stage gandrung.
Sea, Sand, Sun, Forest, Wild Animal, Sport and Culture Recreation
National Park of Alas Purwo represent one of type ekosistem lowland rain forest delegation in Java is included in heterogeneous catagory forest consisted of assorted plant. endemic and Typical plant at national park that is chicoo kecik ( Manilkara Kauki) Ashore between Pancur and Plengkung there are chicoo kecik giant trees consecution which grow to have align. Chicoo kecik forest fruit with husk rose colored own to feel beloved, its fruit scatter coast. Others also there are bamboo manggong plant ( Gigantochloa Manggong), cassia alata ( Terminalia Cattapa), nyamplung ( Calophyllum Inophyllum), kepuh ( Sterculia Foetida), keben ( Barringtonia Asiatica), and 13 type of bamboo.
National Park of Alas Purwo represent habitat from some wild animal like monkey budeng ( Trachypithecus Auratus auratus), bull ( boss Javanicus javanicus), ajag ( Cuon Alpinus javanicus), peacock ( Pavo Muticus), partridge ( Gallus Gallus), deer ( Cervus Timorensis russa), leopard ( Panthera Pardus braze), and the mangrove cat ( Prionailurus Bengalensis javanensis). Scarce animal and protected [by] like turtle burst ( Lepidochelys Olivacea), turtle belimbing ( Dermochelys Coriacea), turtle sisik ( Eretmochelys Imbricata), and the green turtle ( Chelonia Mydas) generally often land in South arch coast this national park at January up to September.At period of October until Desember in visible Segoro Anakan about 16 type of bird of migran from Australian among other things holy cekakak ( Halcyon Chloris/ Todirhampus Sanctus), bird of kirik-kirik go out to sea ( Merops Philippinus), coastal trinil ( Actitis Hypoleucos), and trinil entangle ( Tringa Glareola ).
In National Park of Alas Purwo there are field of located Sadengan (food ground) 12 km ( 30 minute) from entrance Pasaranyar, representing field of shepherding of animal like bull, deer, mousedeer, pig of forest and birds. in place this there are about 200-an bull tail, deer and peacock. This location do not far from entrance Rawabendo, through 3 km of macadamised road with view forest of old teak with forest status
Plengkung residing in side South Arch of National Park of Alas Purwo have been recognized by all surfer mount world with the title G-Land. Mention of G-Land can be interpreted, because athletic situation as fluent as the water reside in Bay of Grajagan looking like letter G. And or situation of Plengkung reside in not far from carpet forest of tropical rain seen always become green ( green-land). Plengkung is inclusive of four best location in world for activity of surfing and earn parallel with location of surfing in Hawai, Australian, and the South arch African.Also There are coastal Located 13 km of Trianggulasi from entrance of Pasaranyar in the form of white sands with formation of coastal forest for activity of maritime recreation and camp. Fringing of white Sands from Trianggulasi to Plengkung will find area sand of gotri. The sand of rust colored, big globular - have diameter about 2,5 mm and as light as a feather. Sand of Gotri with seed of its sand is globular so that make we will be felt difficult to walk.
7 km from Trianggulasi there are Coast of Ngagelan to see some type of turtle land to lay eggs in coast and activity of breeding developer of turtle belimbing, dusty turtle and the green turtle. This location only apart 3 km from Rawabendo through macadamised road and the coastal sand.
Socialize about loaded national park and jell with cultural colour “ Blambangan”. They very believe that National Park of Alas Purwo represent place of last cessation people of Majapahit ducking out incursion of empire Mataram, and believe that in forest of national park still be on file of Keris of Patrimony of Sumelang Gandring.
Therefore, bizzare is not if a lot of people who doing penance and also perform religion ceremony in Padepokan cave, Putri cave and Istana cave besides Tiger Cave which it is said have high mistical value. This cave is reached from Fount Pos as far as 2 km walk Around the national park entrance ( Rowobendo) there are fossil in the form of Old Gate “ Puri Agung ” Giri Seloka becoming Hindu people ceremony place that is Pagerwesi. The Ceremony performed every duration 210 day. According to guest book note in Post Rawabendo, some of visitor National Park of Alas Purwo is guest of religious service go to this Gate. day most crowded is Pager Wesi day, holy day is full of ceremony as does Kesodo in Bromo-Tengger
In this National Park there are 40 place which can be conceived of experienced cave and made in for example Japan cave to see ommission is two cannon as long as 6 metre, Istana cave, Padepokan cave and other cave for cultural recreation and cave recreation
This national park own experienced manner obyek fascination wisata and and cultural recreation ( sea, sand, sun, forest, wild animal, sport and culture) laid at do not so far one another.
To reach National Park of Alas Purwo can through town Banyuwangi to Muncar or through final Benculuk with an eye to Pasar Anyar aparting 65 km. From here we leave countrified, going to insulation forest in back part Blambangan, through 10 km macadamised road to main gate of National Park in Rowobendo. Direct Registration can be here. From Rowobendo, 3km macadamised road go to Pancur a police ranger ashore camp. From Pancur, walke to branch go to Sadengan, coastal of Ngagel or to south go to Plengkung. Although in forest, selfexplanatory signpost, and minimize the possibility of balmy, although without guidance. If you require guidance, friendly Police ranger ready to assist
Any way, National Park Alas Purwo is proper unique national park visited because owning fascination is beauty of coast, wild animal and have mystery, but keep handy. If your vacation to Bali, stop by goods a moment, required only 2 hour from Ketapang crossing. We the confidence you'd find new experience here. Not many Indonesian people to have come this place.
Label: Forest, Sand, Sea, Sport and Culture Recreation, Sun, Wild Animal
GREEN TURTLE PLACE LAY EGGSCoast Sukamade located in National Park Meru Betiri and In General National Park of Meru Betiri of located in south coast of East Java. Incoming in two regency namely Jember and tip of east in Banyuwangi. Broadness reach 50.000 hektare. Its name taken away from a highest mount which in Mount ( meru) Betiri ( 1.223 m). This park contain the rest of Java plain area forest which wide enough. Also there are mangrove, lowland bog forest and unfold coast.
Besides frequent five turtle type coastal beehive over there were the tiger of java there still in fores. Others also can be witnessed a bull, leopard, deer, and various monkey type. From bird type there are peacock, various hawk and rangkong. Besides fauna, flora here include Rafflesia zollingeriona and Balanphora fungosa.
Access to go to there can through town Banyuwangi. Coastal Distance of Sukamade about 97 km up at South-West from Banyuwangi. Use bus to Gallery and from there continue with small bus to Sarongan or with truck to Sukamade and can be through to Rajagwesi. Permit enter area National Park Meru Betiri can got office Police ranger in Sarongan.
Coastal of Sukamade represent calm coast, and respect, coastal in the begining this finding by Dutch in the year 1927. Rubber, copy and brown planted in plantation land for the width of 1200 hectare. Sukamade representing of experienced protected forest in coresponding East Java ranch of turtle. Trough trip of Night time to coast of Sukamade become unforgettable. All visitor guiding by all guide custodian of experienced forest to see the turtle landing to coast and lay eggs in sands. Female turtle generally lay eggs till hundreds of placed in sand in coast. Female turtle generally start to land clock 07.30 night and back to sea at 12.00 night time.
This area preserve in the form of covert area since 1972. Till year 1979 turtle egg in Sukamade still be hunted by all compiler. But after gathering, turtle child evacuation, and the turtle arrest prohibited to ossify. Green turtle which most commonly have a nest in Sukamade, that way the research WWF report ( World Wide Fund for Nature). And from data sometime there are some absent type lay eggs for a number of years, but later return again.
November till March is season of turtle lay eggs, road to Sukamade very challange to exploring. Through the street to visit this place, all visitor can desist Coast Rajegwesi. Coastal of Rajegwesi are located in Countryside Sarongan, Gallery Subdistrict. Walke to go to Rajegwesi also respect. All visitor of through plantation area. calm road greet all visitor. Hill, plantation and house in right left side walke. All its resident with all visitor. For a while its coast respect and experience of. Its wave do not too high, so that all visitor can take a bath and swim in coast. Rajegwesi also represent place connecting other beautiful place. You don't overcome Green Bay, a bay of green which fantastik with beautiful precipitous rock circuit. Green Bay reside in Gallery Subdistrict. Apart Green Bay and Rajegwesi about 2 km. beautiful view and experience of visible as long as eye look into. Fresh air from solid coast with air from forest of tropical rain of National Park of Meru Betiri very impressive. bird's eye view of Hill beside the bay really wonderful. Make a trip in blind morning to see animal which grass in grassland also get an impression. The place represent place which still experience of you the soybean cake which must be easternmost of Java, Banyuwangi, Indonesia. Even National Park of Meru Betiri represent house for Java Tiger
Sum up tourist since early eighty year increasing to Sukamade. Strive to maintain place permanence lay eggs turtle pursuedly is biggest barrier, namely the lamp focus. Turtle will refrain from coast if moment he will land to lay eggs there are lamp focus. This is cause why specified a distance which far to come near coast Sukamade walkedly
For saloon car owner, better bracket its intention explore coastal jungle Meru Betiri Till Sukamade. Cause, after entering the post Meru Betiri door, road do not again pave.
Non again the macadamised road, but walke the full of sharp-pointed stoney. Even, to come to to Coast Sukamade, tourist car through five watercourse which knee high water of adult. On the contrary, that heavy field, of course become habit for jeep wheel. Because full adventure, rental jeep owner open entire kap, and change it with ratch roof. Become, recreation to Coastal and Green Bay of Sukamade as recreation full of Challange.
Plengkung known as a best coast for surfing in the world. The Seven Giant Wave Wonder, icon given by foreign surfer for the roll wave a coast in National Park of Alas Purwo , Banyuwangi, East Java. Its Location is ideal, because residing in tip of south, at one blow most east from Java continent. Its Situation is strategic for surfing, because sordid straighten, likely look into coastline of Java from direction of free ocean. Name Plengkung also often referred as by G-Land, letter G of G-Land have three different version : "Green", because its location by the side of primary forest which still nicely. "Great", because one of best wave in world to as fluent as and "Grajagan", name from a bay owning billow, a fisherman port name closest, place defect there before there is road which pass by quickly in Alas Purwa forest.
Wave in Plengkung represent one other best in world. Wave as high as 4-6 metre as long as 2km in formation 7 wave compile ( go to left ) compatible rided by left handed surfer. Besides Plengkung for professional surfer, there is also the Coast Petrify Lawang for the beginner. Wave is here recognized “ twenty twenty” what its meaning twenty minute raw to middle and twenty minute enjoy footbridge wave. G-Land arround by tropical rain forest which still experience of. G-Land offer most surfing athletics liked by all surfer and suggested just to all professional surfer. May until October is best month for surfing. Not hesitated again that G-Land represent heaven to all surfer. Most of all surfer leave from Bali, through direct Banyuwangi to G-Land or to Grajagan,then rent boat to coast Plengkung. There is cottage and Jungle Camp is near by coast available to all visitor.
How To Reach Coast Plengkung or G-Land
Coastal of Plengkung located in south Banyuwangi coast, tip of East Java east. All visitor can reach this Coast with two way, land and also land and go out to sea
Through Land: Banyuwangi to Kalipahit ( 59 km) go up public bus, Kalipahit to Pasaranyar ( 3 km) with rent a motor cycle or rent car, Pasaranyar to Trianggulasi ( 12 km), Trianggulasi-Pancur-Plengkung.
Through land-sea: Banyuwangi-Benculuk ( 35 km) go up other public bus, Benculuk-Grajagan (18 km) with rent a car or go up public transportation, Grajagan-Plengkung by Speed Boat.
Both way go to the Plengkung altogether there are no problem. If visitor chosen through Grajagan lodging in Coast Grajagan made available, and all visitor can enjoy the beauty of coast Grajagan before go to Coast Plengkung.
Grajagan represent coast drawing to be visited. Its coast is wide blanketed by clean sand. In the cross the coast, gallant hill is unsheathed to earth powerfully. fisherman village view add glamor Grajagan. japan era Defender Cave also can be enjoyed. Cottage motel And made available in this place. Located Grajagan about 53 km southerly from Banyuwangi.
Other Side there are Segara Anakan. Segara Anakan very suited for sail athletics and fish. Segara Anakan still experience of and not yet been developed. This place represent natural coast place. All visitor can visit Segara Anakan of through Grajagan with boat. From Grajagan to this place is need about 25 minute
7 km up at west from bay Trianggulasi there are so called place of ranch Turtle of Ngagelan. Ngagelan also represent turtle children hatchery. A lot of from all Biological majors student or student perform research here.
While 3 km from Trianggulasi there are Fount Encampment Area. Fount is a place of where water fountain small freshwater experience of spurt is near by coast. Fount represent calm place and very suited for relaxing. over there also there is place to camp. All visitor can pitch a tent encampment over there. All visitor can lodge at the same time enjoy splashing voice wave and the wild animal voice from forest.
The Biggest Lake in the High Place at JavaIjen Cauldron represent biggest lake cauldron in Banyuwangi east Java. Its located on high plateau of a dormant vulcanoe. Brimstone Cauldron stay in nature draught which is in. Its deepness 200 m and contain about 36 million meter cubic irrigate understeam, blanketed of fog smell sulfur circulating above its. The acidity of the Lake is high, close to 0.2. In cauldron, various size measure and colour detectable stone. Really, cauldron Ijen represent beautiful stone garden. View all brimstone mineworker which up-down cauldron very amaze. . Ijen produce the suphur that mined traditionally. Men bring yellowish stoney on him shoulder, diging brimstone, fluctuate, decreasing bevel before burden sold auction. Peoples earn 3 US per day to carry 85 - 110 kg of a day hard work. That'S natural view cauldron Ijen which can be seen every day
A View of spektakular lake of green chromatic tosca at height about 2400 mdpl. The lake like residing in cauldron with wall of Caldera as high as 300-500 metre. A top of the mountain boost to other side. White smoke from one of cauldron soar into the air, making of it contrast environmentally is vinicity which the jade of chromatic
Ijen Cauldron have been publicized and famous in French of through displaying Ushuwaia Adventure showing Nicolai Hulot a cruiser, sit the above boat of rubber tell a story about genesis of lake Ijen with degree of acidity of zero, owning deepness 200 metre and volume almost 40 million meter cubic, one of lake of biggest cauldron in the world. Its acidity is strong enough to dissolve clothes and fingers. view of Bird view camera of that helicopter then change over to edge of caldera showing mineworker of cauldron of ijen is struggling to mount to shoulder tens of kilogram of its payload.
Ijen Cauldron to be visited by through Banyuwangi. prima facie of unique from Ijen Cauldron apart at his panorama is very beautiful is seeing mining of traditional brimstone transported by shouldered a manpower. this Traditional mining it is said only just there are in Indonesia ( Welirang And Ijen ). Burden transported by each people until as heavy as 85 - 110 kg. This burden excrutiatingly heavily make most people, when brimstone transported through wall of steep Caldera descend mount as far as 3km. Production accepted by a taker of mean 25 thousand rupiah by day, or about 300 rupiah a kilogram. A taker generally only able to bring to descend once every day, because its a hard work. Some hundred metre of there are a ancient domed building ommission of Dutch write down “ Irrigating of Cauldron Ijen”, what now conceived by a Domed Post, a post where all mineworker consider his payload and get a paper about his value and payload.
To reach cauldron Ijen in this time is not too difficult, through town Banyuwangi as far as 38 km to west go to countryside of Licin, then go to countryside of Jambu end to Paltuding ( 1,600 mdpl) a forest base camp of Perhutani in Natty hillside- Ijen, a trip to cauldron of Ijen can with car or motor because road to paltuding have in asphalt and smoothly. During trip you'd be served by a beautiful view the outspread of plantation copy and clove with its air is cold.
From Paltudin continued walkedly because representing road of land and steep go up to height 2,400 mdpl with time go through 2 hour of easy going. Climb to cauldron of Ijen is generally suggested started at the morning. For the shake of reason of security, climb to cauldron of ijen from Paltuding closed as free as beating 02:00 pm, because its condensed smoke and possibility of wind direction aiming to climb band. To pursue trip in the morning, visitor suggested to camp in location of Paltuding pitched a tently, then at the morning before sunrise climb can be started, Others is also made available by Maisonette in Paltuding which clean enough. Temparature of Mean around cauldron of Ijen 13 oC at noon and 2 oC at night
As long as climbing a lot of rubing up against taker of friendly brimstone change over greeting. Arrive at cauldron lip, view amaze ahead time eye. A tosca lake with diameter 1 km of have blanket of fog and smoke of brimstone reside in far below. mineworker of Brimstone seen to minimize from the top. To go to source of producer that brimstone, we require to descend stoney of bank of caldera through footpath passed by mineworker. Sweep wet hand very needed, because oftentimes the wind direction blown to bring smoke go to degradation band. Besides direct go to lake face, circling in back Caldera can be done eatenly is time more or less all day long full.
Cauldron base, parallel with surface of lake there are place of brimstone mining. condensed White smoke go out to spurt from a kind of pipe of iron which interfaced to a sulphur spring. Discharge 600oC rose colored fumarol smolder to melt exit and congelation because cool air, forming is solided of bold rust colored brimstone. Sometimes smolder fumarol to blaze uncontrollably, what generally is immediately sprinkled by a water to prevent reaction of piroporik related to. amethyst of this Brimstone is cut with crow bar and transported into crate. environmental to breathing like this required by a separate struggle, all mineworker generally work at the same time nip sarong or cutting of patch up cloth as air censor.
Salad Fruit From Banyuwangi
Rujak Cemplung
This Rujak Cemplung is looking like with pickle from Bogor, differentiating only form his flavour and fruit slice. fruit weared like young mango, halfdone papaw, cucumber, kedondong, parsnip, pineapple cut by minimize to minimize like dice and mixed with a flavour. its flavour is consisted of by sugar or demerara attenuated with salt sufficiently, terasi sufficiently and the chilli, then the mingled by mentioned flavour of werak ( irrigate coconut precipitated felt by acid ), in his growth is werak changed with vinegar water and added by a water sufficiently because werak have found very rare.
Rujak Janganan
This Rujak is elementary substance from rujak soto that is slice lontong or rice spiced with by kangkung, bean sprouts, cucumber, tahu and tempe. then sprinkled by a made flavour from black petis, seed banana, peanut attenuated with salt, chilli and demerara for which like hot
Rujak Petis Ramonan
This Rujak like rujak fruit [of] generally that is fruit slice [of] like young mango, halfdone papaw, cucumber, kedondong, parsnip, Pineapple mixed with by a made flavour from petis ramonan, Peanut, seed banana attenuated with salt, chilli and demerara for which like hot
Rujak Gobet
This Rujak is solidarity between rujak petis ramonan and rujak Cemplung that is fruit slice like young mango, halfdone papaw, cucumber, kedondong, parsnip, pineapple cut by minimize to minimize like mixed with last dice of made flavour from petis ramonan, Peanut, seed banana attenuated with salt, chilli and demerara for which like hot.
Rujak Letok
This Rujak like rujak fruit of generally that is fruit slice like young mango, halfdone papaw, cucumber, kedondong, parsnip, pineapple mixed with a made flavour from terasi attenuated with salt, chilli and demerara for which like hot.
writed by Bondan Winarno - 05/08/2006, 21:27 WIB - KOMPAS of Cyber Media - JALANSUTRA
Writer is a adventurer visited various place and taste typical victuals, and still will be non-stoped to do his adventure. ( E-Mail:
Rujak Soto
Rujak Soto? is it Wrong nope?
Bizzare, but reality. Try to come to Banyuwangi and taste by self the that typical dish. this is Rujak like rujak of eastern of Java generally, that is slice rice wrap spiced with kangkung, bean sprouts, cucumber, know, and tempe (soy yeast), spiced with hot chilli of petis with demerara and peanut. Like rujak of Eastern Java generally, Its hot chilli hence banana kluthuk stone which attenuated with other flavour
Rujak publishing saliva, non? But, awaiting first. that Fresh Rujak then is sprinkled with gravy soto chop down rust colored and watery. Byurrrr! When liking, chop down and flesh soto also involve
How likely? Maknyuuss! its very Delicious, Trust it! According to his seller story: " if is indirectly eaten. Keep first in refrigerator, if have chilled is newly eaten. Its Freessshhh"
is it imagine ?
Rujak with flesh like for example rujak cingur it is true non bizzare matter in East Java. Conception rujak in East Java nor limited to fresh fruits sliced flimsy and nub with cream hot chilli, but the inclusive of stewed vegetables. In Central Java also there is rujak of fruit added by krai braise ( krai = a kind of cucumber) so-called freshman. Useful freshman to make cool heat in, and it is said also to degrade blood pressure
most famous seller Rujak soto in Banyuwangi is " Mbok Semi", near by senior high school of SMA Negeri I Glagah. Only open day till the evening. Enunciated, incompatible rujak soto again to be eaten at cold night. From morning until the evening, booth " Mbok Semi" crowded always is queued up of buyer.
Sego Tempong ( Slap Rice )
Popular Other food in Banyuwangi is "Nasi tempong" (Slap rice). Virtual Tempong mean to give a box on the ear or slap. It is said because his seller likely slap the fistful of rice to a litle cup of banana leaf weared to present food. its Small Nasi tempong portion make parallel it by sego kucing ( Cat rice ) in Yogya and Solo
Possibility of the other Nasi tempong naming is real very hot chilli. A lot until his hot tear saking, like is used up given a box on the ear. Nasi Tempong is very popular people consumption in Banyuwangi. Eat with tempe, tahu, and the briny fish fry. its very essence
Evening, in side Bank BRI in Ahmad Yani street, Banyuwangi, there is a tent selling middle Nasi tempong version. Booth " Ma Sum" what open until tonight is which now most popular in easternmost town of This Java. Even if tend, becak driver ushering I tell: " Whew, that costly Nasi tempong Package. you can go to market, what is cheaper
In booth " Ma Sum", enough complete. There is cuttlefish cooked inkingly its, by saus is coal black. Rest is standard of like chicken fry, Flesh fry with rasp of coconut, dry of tempe, omellette, and others. To accompanies with very hot chilli, made available by a and genjer cassava leaf steam. There is also sold by unique bothok or pepes wasp den of Banyuwangi.
This Plantation located in Subdistrict Glenmore. From Glenmore about 16 km southerly. Copy and brown represent especial crop in this plantation. In the middle of journey in frontier of between River of Cow and Treblasala there are waterfall 27 level. Clear water is from the top of bank in forest silence
Waterfall of located Kaliselogiri about 13 km toward north of town of Banyuwangi and plant recreation Kaliselogiri not far with waterfall Kaliselogiri. Its Situation about 2,5 km from the waterfall up at west. view of Plantation of Kaliselogiri very beautiful. Crop copy is especial crop in this area. carpet of Tree copy alternated by tree of dissimilar becoming green to cool eye. All visitor can follow to see cropping copy and direct vision of its processing in factory in the plantation at Month of July until November. Plantation of Kaliselogiri own beautiful waterfall so-called by jambe Bog. Irrigate spurting from height and form two-storey waterfall. Beauty waterfall of Selogiri lay in by its place is natural. Irrigate spurting from the top of bank of among leafy grove, likely all visitor reside in a kanopi with waterfall at elbow its. clear water decorate nature at one blow as source of life for its resident. If visitor of having the pleasure to still to venture on, there is a hill amazing the so-called with Top Miari. During journey to this place a lot of all worker pass by quickly and add specification of plantation view. From top of Miari of all visitor can see areal of outspread wide plantation limited by mount in the cross. All visitor can lodge in plantation kaliselogiri.
This Waterfall lay in [by] mountain bevel have cold atmosphere [to] [in] protected forest area. Sprinkling effervesce waterfall elaborate sunlight become rainbow colour spectrum amazing among its[his] few leaves only [is] tree with root which is million
Waterfall Jeding [of] located in Countryside Sarongan Gallery Subdistrict [in] upper river Lember segment. Told [by] [of] Jeding [of] because waterfall catchment form look like Jeding ( big jar generally [is] made the than iron). Waterfall that happened storeyed here and clear airnya. this Waterfall position still in area [of] protected forest and happened to [by] pull back granite. Medium walke to reach this obyek wisata waterfall from Gallery roadway until countryside Sarongan [of] through plantation road;street reach place park kendaraan wheel two. From place park to waterfall location gone through by way of foot/feet trace river
Experienced Bath of Kalongan located in Countryside Pesucen, subdistrict Kalipuro. Broadness 2 hectare. Its distance about 7 km from Banyuwangi. this Bath Location close to waterfall of among protected forest farm. Experienced bath and the place to camp made available here.
Second of this Place is located about 60 km from Banyuwangi, or 5 km from Kalibaru. Waterfall of Wonorejo of located in Countryside of Kalibaru Wetan in mountainside Blubber, while Experienced Bath of Jatirono located in Countryside Kajarharjo. Second Place of this tourism located in Subdistrict Kalibaru. Crop copy and brown blanket this place. Its place cold & beautiful. All visitor can lodge in Kalibaru Cottage.